Photo by Linoleum Creative Collective on Unsplash
Resistance: A child's super-power
Parents understand resistance. Think about it, as your child develops from toddler to teen you face innumerable moments of opposition every single day.
It's time to put on your shoes.
Our child's resistance is their super-power for developing healthy boundaries. How you respond to this opposition often defines your parenting style - but that's a topic for another post.
Opposition is healthy boundary building
A child's ability to exploit the weaknesses in our parenting, although challenging for parents, is essential to their healthy development - it is also incredibly healthy for a democracy.
What we know as parents about resistance can be used to develop a guiding paradigm in our political-lives:
Resistance record-keeping
I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday and that you are figuring out how you can stand in opposition to injustice.
You never know what a Nonna can do to affect change when her children and grandchildren’s futures are on the line.
Nonna 0 Comments
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Tuesdays' Acts of Resistance
I saw the most inexplicable post yesterday about manstraution - not a typo. Once I actually paid attention and attempted to figure out what was going on, I thought “oh, yeah” this is how resistance begins!
FLO is the “number 1” period tracker used around the world. Now it is quite a large database with 380,000,000+ users tracking their menstruation, fertility and pregnancies - the health information an individual can put on the app is stunning. A few posts were suggesting men track their own “manstruations” with as much chaotic information as possible. When I figured out what this could mean, I enjoyed a lovely belly laugh at the brilliant subversiveness of such a simple act of resistance. I'm sure it's a joke, but still... And it got me to thinking - we need to record and share with one another what we do to resist when the government moves to take away our rights. Thus, Tuesday Acts of Resistance is born. Since the Election, I Have ...
I see all of these as significant personal acts of resistance and I am dedicated for even more resistance as it is needed..
You never know what a Nonna can do to affect change when her children and grandchildren’s futures are on the line. Nonna